When Greg’s biggest challenge went from winning triathlons to trying to make it through the day, he turned to UC Davis Health for answers. Through meticulous pre and post-surgery care, a team of detailed orthopedic surgeons helped Greg build a plan to get back on his feet – with a brand-new knee for a brand-new life.
I've had knee surgeries since high school. Then I had another knee surgery when I was in college at U. C. Davis. Being a weekend warrior, Um, I did one triathlon. I've come to live with the pain and discomfort e doing my job as a nurse. I didn't want to complain anyone at the end of a 12 hours shift. I could barely make it to my car, even dates with my wife and going to the movies. You sit in the movie for a couple hours after the movie, I could barely get up out of the chair. I did a lot of research and where I wanted to go for my knee surgery, and I was pretty confident. U. C. Davis was the right place for me. I know the doctors. I like the team approach to medicine. We get the best, brightest youngest minds studying here. Collaborating with the nurses makes a great care environment. All the doctors are in collaboration with each other, talking with one another. And if I had any question, there was always a nurse or doctor or resident, that was right there for me to ask after my niece survey it was like Someone turned on a light switch and now there was no pain, and I could also resume some of my you know, I let it activities that I had become accustomed to and I hadn't done in a very long time. He doesn't complain about any kind of knee pain, doesnt complained about getting stiff. Andi, I thought we were gonna get a special cheer way. Just don't have any problems If you work here, you see the good care experience, the same thing as a patient. That's why I choose U C Davis for my health care, I would describe it is life changing.