Chapters Transcript Video Heart-healthy tips for patients and families UC Davis dietitian and diabetes educator Alex Nella shares advice about a family approach Alex. How can families together live a healthy lifestyle? Well, the key there is collectively, as a unit, when you're making change with your family, it's important that everybody is a part of that change. So if you want to eat more fruits and vegetables, the family mom and dad have to go along for the ride. How do families include the Children in a fitness routine? Well, everybody has to stay healthy, and physical fitness is a huge part of that. So I suggest being more involved in after school programs, sports local clubs. I think that's going to include a social component that's more likely than to continue that exercise. Okay, so you're saying activity that's not just anchored to one location, but really making a part of your daily practice? Exactly. Daily activity is more important than once in a while or specifically just January exercise. And how do we encourage our kids eat more fruits and vegetables allowed to involve them as much as possible? That might be taking them to a local farmers market to actually get them involved in the food preparation cooking process and Alex working viewers go for more information. For more information, visit our website Created by Related Presenters Alexander Nella Registered DietitianCertified Diabetes Educator