Join Project ADAM Sacramento and help us bring AEDs and CPR to schools in the Sacramento region and beyond.
Project ADAM is committed to saving lives by empowering schools and communities to be prepared for sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). It is not enough to simply have an automated external defibrillator (AED) in the building - having a documented plan, a designated and prepared response team, and a regularly practiced emergency response drill are critical to success. Project ADAM provides the foundation for schools to develop their program by providing resources, education and training. Project ADAM can help your school become a Heart Safe School.
Cardiac emergency preparedness is vital wherever people live and work. Project ADAM staff and volunteers facilitate CPR and AED education and hands-on training at a variety of community events throughout the year. Anyone can save a life by learning the two simple steps of Hands Only CPR - calling 911 and pushing down on the chest hard and fast until EMS arrives. According to the American Heart Association, CPR administered immediately, without waiting for help, can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival.
Established at UC Davis Children's Hospital in 2015, Project ADAM Sacramento is the first California affiliate of Project ADAM.
Project ADAM started in 1999 as a program for the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. Since then, it has expanded to 20 states with 25 affiliate programs at medical centers across the country, which has led to more than 150 lives saved on school campuses.
For more information about Project ADAM, contact Rebecca McCormac, coordinator for Project ADAM Sacramento, at rmccormac@ucdavis.edu.